Vendor Options

Guests at CityPlace can bring in their own caterers and vendors. As a courtesy, CityPlace does not charge a fee for you to use your own vendor.

At CityPlace approved vendors are required to be currently licensed and fully insured. Caterers must also have a valid Food Service Permit from the county and state. Copies of this information including certificates of insurance are required to be on file at CityPlace for review.

The caterer provides all personnel, materials and supplies required in preparation and service of food and beverages. The catering representative from the approved catering company must remain onsite for the entire event. No “food drop-off” is permitted without prior written approval.

The Event Group and Caterer are responsible for food service clean up during and after the event. Caterers are responsible for cleaning the area and sink where food is prepared and served as well as removing all items, such as but not limited to dishes, utensils, linens, etc.

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